
⚡ Embellished Mask

⚡ Embellished Mask (★Uncommon)

Category: Mask
Species: Painted Satyr


Trait: Allows a painted satyr's mask to have various addons such as carvings, small embellishments, and/or stitching. These are often things added to the mask before the satyr came to life that are now permanently part of their face. They may have had some sort of meaning or purpose behind them...
Size: Can combined cover up to 50% of the mask

✅ Embellishments can match the mask material of the satyr in texture. (ex: metal raised filigree, small forehead gemstone, wooden trims, etc)
✅ Carvings are shallow and can have inlays matching the mask material of the satyr if they have a metal, ice, or gemstone mask.
✅ This trait can extend to mask horns/spikes in cases like clay, stone, and meteor masks
✅ Can have small portions that stick up/extend off the mask very slightly.
✅ Stitching is small and thin and can have very small holes. It can't be removed! If the satyr also has missing sense it can stitch the eyes closed.

❌ Carvings cannot resemble cracks, large holes, breaks, larged carved out areas
❌ Embellishments should be clear addons (carvings, stitching, or raised areas) rather than large flat portions of material or flat patterns. You don't need this trait to add flat mask markings, stitch "scars"/markings, beards, flora, or piercings!
❌ Cannot entirely obstruct the eyes or mouth. This trait only accentuates the mask!
❌ Does not modify base face anatomy!


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